Morph Your Body

Prescription medications ready to morph your body and help you hit your weight goals. Whether you are looking to lose or maintain your overall body composition, these medications are built custom for you. Each combination is individually compounded and targeted to act directly on your neurotransmitters resulting in appetite suppression, glucose control, and rapid weight loss.

Yes, you’ll really look that good!

Morph Formulations
Individualized dosing tiers to help you continue to meet goals throughout your metamorphosis. These medications are custom compounded prescriptions formulated by a physician to suppress appetite, increase fat loss, and control blood glucose levels. The multi-focal approach allows different receptors to be targeted to keep your metabolism active and resulting in maximal weight loss.
Adipose Dissolving Topicals
Created to target cellulite and pesky adipose concentrated areas, our topical fat dissolving options offer a safe and effective method for cosmetic localized fat reduction. Clincally proven to reduce waist circumference.
LipoMorph Lotion
LipoMorph Cream
GLP-1 and GIP Agonist
• Semaglutide- A glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) analog as an FDA approved treatment method for improving glycemic control in patients with Type 2 diabetes. It increases insulin secretion, which is good for diabetes. At higher doses, it can act on centers in the brain and help suppress appetite. Used in conjunction with lifestyle changes and a reduced-calorie diet, Semaglutide can have a very successful outcome with weight loss and lowering high blood pressure. Patient on this medication for up to 8 months have been shown to lose up to 20 percent of their body weight.

Promotes Visceral Fat Loss
Improves blood sugar levels in adults with Type 2 diabetes
Lowers A1C
Cardiovascular benefits – lowers risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks & strokes
Lowers BMI – Plaque hemorrhage is reduced
Helps pancreatic insulin release to lower glucose levels in the bloodstream

• Tirzepatide- A glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) and GIP analog. This is a FDA approved treatment for improving glycemic control in patients with Type 2 diabetes. It increases insulin secretion. At higher doses, it can act on centers in the brain and help suppress appetite. Used in conjunction with lifestyle changes and a reduced-calorie diet, Tirzepatide can have a very successful outcome with weight loss and lowering high blood pressure. Patient on this medication for up to 12 months have been shown to lose up to 25 percent of their body weight.

Weight Management Peptides
• AOD 9604
Promotes fat loss and fat burning without effecting blood sugar or tissue growth
Causes fat release from obese fat cells
Prevents new fat accumulation
Boosts the body’s metabolism
Less appetite stimulation
Reduces Cholesterol

• Tesofensine
Acts as an appetite suppressant
Increases resting ener oenditure
Patient studies have shown 25-30 lb weight loss over a 6 month period
Decreases Hemoglobin A1C
Reduces Cholesterol Levels

• 5-Amino-1MQ
Produces dramatic weight loss from hard to lose areas
Lowers cholesterol levels
Improves blood sugar levels
Fights inflammation
Enhances aged muscle regeneration